Excursions 2019

Excursions – 2019 (see also the Newsletter)
Priority will be given to members. Non members will be charged £2.00 when attending events free to members and will be charged the same amount as members on excursions where charges are made.
NB. There may be car parking charges in public car parks that members will need to pay on the day. Map references of where we meet are linked to an OS map with a blue circle showing where to meet. Use the controls on the map to change the scale or to scroll around the area.

Saturday May 25th, 2019 1.30pm
Aberlleiniog Beach, Castle and Haulfre Stables
(see map)
We need to start early to allow time for moving cars.  Please assemble at Llangoed bridge, (SH610 796, LL58 8NU) leave a few cars and take all passengers to the Beach car park.  Reverse this process at the end, just carrying drivers to beach, who can return to Llangoed for their passengers.
We will begin at the beach with discussion of glacial deposits and the natural (scarped) mound with ditch (an outwork to the main motte). Cross road to Lleiniog House gate and discuss its Civil War role  Walk along the marsh footpath to the Norman motte and bailey castle which was converted to an artillery fort in the Civil War and had a folly built on top of it in the 18th century.
At Haulfre Ian Jones will open the Haulfre Stables and its exhibition of Edwardian equestrian equipment for us.  The stable building and its contents are judged to be one of the best unaltered survivals in the country.
Please tell Frances Llewellyn (flynchllewellyn@gmail.com   or 01248 364865) if you plan to attend.

Saturday June 15th, 2019 2.00 pm                      
Soldier’s Point and Breakwater Quarry Park, Holyhead
(see map)
(SH 237 837, LL65 1YG) This excursion will be led by Gareth Huws and Ian Jones
Assemble at Soldier’s Point for a talk about the house and the Breakwater (GH)  then move to the Park   (plenty of parking ) where the Warden will speak about the quarries etc.    We will then take path to look at the quarry villages above (IJ).   If anyone is not keen to take that path, a walk to the Explosives Store is an easier alternative.   Return for tea at the Park café (own cost) and view exhibitions etc.

If you intend to be there for this excursion, please contact Gareth Huws on g.huws@btinternet.com so that we have some idea of numbers.

Wednesday June 26th, 2019, 5.30pm        
Telford’s Bridge and road, Tollhouse (WI)  and the Marquess Column (SH555 718, LL59 5EA)
(see map)
Assemble at Telford Centre on the A5 in Menai Bridge to view exhibition (talk by Joanna Robertson)
 Leave c. 6.15 for Column Car Park to view column (no access) and geology of rock outcrop.  Peter  Crosby will speak about the history of the column and the current repair project when we visit the Tollhouse Museum which has a permanent  exhibition about the history of the WI. 
(£2.00 charge to be collected on the night). 
The Marquess will also be talking about the Column in our lecture series in January 2020
Contact Robin Grove-White (rgrovewhite@gmail.com ) if you plan to attend 

Saturday July 13th, 2019, 10.30am  – 1.00pm  
Henblas, stables and grounds  (on the B4422, SH420 726)
(see map)

This visit to the Henblas estate and gardens (by kind permission of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Davies)
coincides with the exhibition in Storiel (Bangor Museum) about Elizabeth Morgan and her creation of the gardens here in the 17th century (see also Portraits of an Island)
Please note timing 10.30am (but not before). We will see the fine 18th century stables (now holiday lets), the exterior of the house and the gardens and woodland – also the ‘Henblas Stones’
Please tell Andrew Davidson (Andrew.davidson@heneb.co.uk  01407 720431) if you plan to attend

Saturday August 31st, 2019, 2.00pm          
Clynnog Fawr Church , Holy Well, Bachwen cromlech
(SH414 496)
(see map)
Members may wish to have lunch at the Black Cat Café at Glynllifon on the way down
Take the first turning to Clynnog off the new A499 and park in the Car Park (ex-hotel) above the entrance to the churchyard.
We will visit the very fine 15th century church and the Capel y Bedd, the traditional burial place of St Beuno.  Return to cars and drive a short way up to the Holy Well.  From there, return to A499 and park in entrance to Bachwen Cottages and walk to the Cromlech (about 20 mins, easy walking with fine views). 
Some may wish to visit the Pennarth Cromlech at Aberdesach on their return.
Please tell Frances Llewellyn (flynchllewellyn@gmail.com or 01248 364865) you plan to attend.