Anglesey Antiquarian Society and Field Club
Constitution – Revised at the AGM 12 May 2017
Rule 1.
The title of the Society shall be ‘Anglesey Antiquarian Society and Field Club’ hereinafter called ‘the Society’ and its objects shall be the practical study of archaeology, natural science, art, literature, history and kindred subjects as far as they pertain to Anglesey, also the preservation of historical documents, ancient monuments, rare birds and plants and objects of geological or other scientific interest in the Island, and to foster public interest in and appreciation of these subjects. Membership is open to all who support the aims and objects of the Society.
Rule 2.
The Officers shall be the President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, and such other officers as may be appointed as trustees by the Annual General Meeting.
Rule 3.
The management of the Society shall be vested in a Committee of trustees consisting of the officers and nine members of the Society. Five trustees shall form a quorum.
Rule 4.
The subscription for membership of the Society shall be such annual sum as may be decided upon by the Annual General Meeting. The subscription shall be payable in advance on the 1st day of April in each year. Persons who have rendered special service to the Society may be elected as Honorary Members on nomination by the Committee. In the case of members under 18 years of age, and students in schools and colleges, the subscription shall be a reduced amount as may be decided on by the Annual General Meeting.
Rule 5.
Members who have paid their annual subscription will be entitled to hold office, vote at the General Meetings and receive a free copy of all the printed ‘Transactions’ of the Society issued during the year.
Rule 6.
The Society shall admit to its excursions and meetings, members of kindred Societies which extend similar privileges to members of the Anglesey Antiquarian Society and Field Club.
Rule 7.
Any member desirous of resigning membership of the Society shall give notice in writing to the Secretary before the end of the financial year. In the absence of such written notice the member shall be liable for the current year’s subscription if not already paid. The names of members whose subscriptions are six months in arrears, after a final application has been made by the Treasurer, shall be erased from the list of Members, but such defaulting members shall be responsible for such arrears.
Rule 8.
The Committee shall have the power of expelling any member whose conduct they deem objectionable.
Rule 9.
The Committee shall arrange at least two General Meetings of the Society in the year, at which papers in English or Welsh, shall be read and discussed. Objects of interest to Members of the Society Shall be held at such times as the Committee shall decide, but a Special Committee Meeting may be called by the Chairman at any time he deems necessary.
Rule 10.
The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held in May and thirty members shall constitute a quorum thereat. At this meeting the Officers and nine members of the Society shall be elected as trustees together with an independent examiner for the ensuing year. If the number of nominations for any office exceeds the number of vacancies the election shall be by ballot. The 0fficer’s Reports and financial statement made up to the end of March and duly independently examined shall be submitted and read. The Secretary shall give ten clear days notice of the Annual General Meeting.
Rule 11.
The Committee may fill any vacancies that may occur before the next Annual General Meeting.
Rule 12.
The Treasurer, or other authorised signatory, shall make payments as authorised from time to time by the Committee. The Treasurer shall present at the Annual General Meeting a Statement of Accounts up to the end of previous March.
Rule 13.
Any proposed alterations to the above Rules shall be notified to the Secretary at least twenty-one clear days before the Annual General Meeting, and shall only be adopted if sanctioned by at least two-thirds of the members present. No alteration shall be made to these Rules which would cause the Society to Cease to be a charity in law.
Rule 14.
In the event of the Society being wound up, any assets remaining upon dissolution after payment of proper debts and liabilities shall be transferred to a charitable institution or institutions having objects similar to those of the Society.